The Easiest Method To Prepare Bison Short Smoked Fish For My Family
The Easiest Method To Prepare Bison Short Smoked Fish For My Family: For as long as I can remember, bison have been the pride of my summer family. My dad would bring home a whole bunch of them on every camping trip and we would sit down and make a fire with the fat that he had gotten from all the previous trips and make the best barbecue we ever had. And every year, around the holidays, whenever the kids came to town, we would go out for the same old thing – but this year we wanted something different. We wanted to make Bison Smoked Fish.
Now, I’m not about to claim that smoked bison is better tasting than its regular version, because it’s just as good (if not better) than the latter. But we did happen to find a really cool bison smoker this year – one that we were really excited about. It was built to help us use the most amount of wood without having to worry about too much smoke making the meat too dry. Also, the gas fire it was built to put off a nice even heat, which is really important in cooking bison.
The Easiest Method To Prepare Bison Short Smoked Fish – Not A Problems! Now, if you are trying to figure out how to make this stuff, I would recommend making it as you would any other product – with just a few easy steps and a couple of tips. The end result, for me, was very satisfying and we were even able to pull it off during our camping trip!